there is an accordion in my lap…♥


it turns out we made it into the archives of all the other fort photos!  That made my sisters and I really happy(I was probably the happiest..).  I don’t know if I’ll win(there are so many others that are SO good), but it was worth the shot.  Check out all the wild forts here.


I went with mother to help with her story time.  I spent my time juggling scarves, making sheep out of cotton balls(can I just say I LOVE GLUEING COTTON BALLS TO PAPER…it is rad), and cutting things out for little children.  Mamma did a spiffy job.  She always does.  ♥


I get to go to martial arts.  Tonight is Shane’s last night.  We get to say goodbye.  He’s leaving for a 2 year mission to Peru.  It’s kind of funny thinking you’ll never see one of your friends for 2 years…I don’t like goodbyes..on the bright side, I get to do martial arts..haven’t been able to exercise for a bit(because of Frank), but since I’m feeling good, I’m hoping it’s going to be a “kick my bum hot sweaty workout”.  Unlike some girls, I do like to sweat.  I makes me feel so much better.


I have one more little glitch to work out on “Pocket Watch” and then it should be up and running on the LISTEN page{soon}.  One word to fix, takes so much time…it is worth it though(o:

I’m LOVING these walls.

forts_wild_things_I think one day my walls will look something like that.♥

